Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Good Sleep

Night sky setting stage for the 'good sleep.'

Sometime after turning fifty years of age or going through menopause we begin experiencing the need to get up in the night to pee, interrupting the ‘good sleep’ we had previously taken for granted. We know from nature that ‘good sleep’ is important to health and creativity.
Unfortunately, once we have awakened, it can be hard to get back to sleep. Thoughts and images intrude into our natural circadian rhythm. After years of ‘good sleep’ our brain/body has become wired for us to get up and start our daily ‘doing’ once we awake. So, how can we retrain our brain/body into going back to sleep? 

After a long winter sleep,
my red tulips awakened, yeah!

Here are some tricks I have learned:
Store a small container of almonds in the bedroom. After peeing, walk around eating a small handful of almonds. Since it takes the stomach longer to process protein than other foods, this tricks the brain/body into using energy, convincing it that you have performed the obligations of daytime work. 

Or have an eye pillow close to your bed. After slipping back under the blankets, cover your eyes with a gentle eye pillow. Take three slow belly breaths and keep your focus on a gentle in and out rhythm while counting backward from ninety-nine down to one. 

Surprise! After taking a break last year,
my Peony burst forth alongside the Verbena.

Another option is to begin practicing Yoga Nidra. Moving awareness to your ears, listen for the subtle buzzing sound of energy. Shift awareness to your mouth – upper roof, lower floor, and two sides, lips, teeth, and tongue. Next, shift awareness to your inner ears with their marvelous tiny crystals and hairs and then to your cheeks and nostrils. Pay attention to your breath, following the gentle in and out of sleep rhythm. 

If you have not yet fallen back to sleep, keep moving awareness to eyes, scalp, back of head, and down, consciously relaxing each body part, including each toe and finger. The part of your body that has been holding tension will amaze you.

Wow! Given a space in full sun, my Clematis
 keeps bursting forth with new blossoms.  

The best trick of all: Keep a pad and pen on a bedside table. Returning from emptying your bladder, thoughts may arise as you try to get back to sleep. If so, rise enough to write them on the pad. Ah, the brain registers that your body has performed a necessary function and allows you to go back to sleep.

If this is an early morning pee, you may be slightly aware of dreams and images. Capture them in a few words on the pad. These are seminal insights for where your life is trying to go and for creativity. Don’t let these pearls from ‘good sleep’ escape!

My Honeysuckle rested all of last year
but is growing now and going to town.

Here's to your GOOD SLEEP!


Unknown said...

Love this wise commentary. I remember the many decades, when in service to the world, I neglected sleep. Hope I can re-program, using your suggestions. Mari Crocker

Terry Bergdall said...

Lidona, as a regular reader, and someone who often comments, I've appreciated your blogs on whatever subject is of interest to you! They are always thought provoking! However, I will say the big stand-outs for me have been when you drew back the veil on the creative process behind your art work. Whatever the subject of your blog, I truly appreciate your combination of the visual with the verbal text. Thanks, Terry

Dharmalingam said...

Great tips Lidona. Over the last year, I've been experimenting with improving my sleep and trying to lengthen the number of hours I get. I'm going to try your suggestion about chewing almonds and writing down post-waking thoughts to pacify the brain. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Good one! A shared need to adjust to an elder's body. I tried yoga nidra, apparently it was instant, next conscious dream and wake up. Thought no time passed butitwas 5 hrs later. I find short but relaxed shower, no media once prone, mindful breathing for deep relaxation lead to longer sleeps b4 pee wake ip call. And daily journal reflection first. Thx for writing this and for blooming flowers of Spring. Judi White