Monday, February 13, 2012

Upcoming Author Tour

PILGRIMAGE Wonder Encounter Witness made its debut on this fall. Now I would appreciate your help with promoting sales.
  1. Can you post a review of the book on It does not have to be long. Just a couple of sentences would be wonderful.
  2. Please encourage, cajole and/or coerce friends into attending one of my author events. Below is the upcoming schedule to date. In Washington state, there are a couple near Seattle, one in Bellingham, and two way over on the eastern border of the state. 
  3. I will be making up postcards and flyers for these events. Let me know if you would like postcards to mail or a flyer to post. I will by happy to send the postcards already stamped.

Mon Feb 27
Ashland, OR

Bloomsbury Books
Reading & book signing
7:00 pm

Sat, March 17
Lake Forest Park, WA

Third Place Books
Reading & book signing
 6:30 pm

Sun, March 18
Bellingham, WA

Village Books
Reading & book signing
2:00 pm

Mon, 3/19/12

Tues, March 20
Stanwood, WA

Snow Goose Bookstore
Reading & book signing
7:00 pm

Wed, March 21
Pullman, WA

WSU Bookstore
Book Signing Table

Thurs, 3/22/12

Fri, March 23
Spokane, WA

Auntie's Bookstore
Reading & book signing
 7:oo pm