Monday, January 20, 2020

Social Art in 2020

Daylight in Eugene, rather than disappearing at 4:00 in the evening, is hanging around until after 5:00. Yeah! The light’s return has given me energy for new ventures that give a sense of hope for a better relationship to our planet and one another.

Picking up on the trend toward wearing our heart on our sleeve, I'm designing three artistic shirts that invite reflection on moving us toward a new more human and earth-centered society.

VOTE Shirt Is Here

Attractive black short sleeve women's comfy top with white musically themed asymmetrical VOTE on back left shoulder and HOPE in front left pocket area for stylistically encouraging participation in democracy. 

$24 with first class free shipping at 

Shirt Back

Shirt Front 


Sangria short-sleeve women’s comfy top featuring a white oracular goddess creatively highlighting social arenas needing to change. Hint: HERS is an international acronym standing for Health Rights, Education and Economic Equality, Representation 50% 50%, and Safety for Body and Soul.

Soon EARTH Shirt

Olive green men’s and women’s tees with white globe encircled by figures calling us to care for Gaia / Mother Earth.

Oregon Book Release Event

Save the date: Thursday March 12

Tsunami bookstore 2585 Willamette Street Eugene OR
5:30 Book Signing and Refreshments
6:00 Introductions by Nancy Golden
6:10 Reading by LiDoƱa Wagner
6:40 Book Signing and Earth Songs by Kathy Marshall