Friday, October 25, 2013

The Fullness of Being You

Lunar Eclipse
Deep indigo, no moonlight
Wholeness within, perfect time
Creative children to birth

Women's Cyclical Nature
Women are accustomed to the snake-like process of shedding our skins and taking on new roles, identities, and even personalities. It is part of our physical nature to go through periodic cycles, beginning with the onset of menses.

Sometime between ten and fifteen, our bodies indicate that childhood is over. Monthly ovulation signals that we can become child bearers. Similar to the cycles of the moon, these monthly rhythms are sometimes referred to as moon cycles. Each month our body prepares to nurture an egg. When an unfertilized egg passes through the uterus, our body begins to slough off the blood it had prepared for a placenta that would have nurtured a fertilized egg. As that cycle ends, a new one begins.

With the onset of menses, girls give up identifying with dolls and take on the “temptress” role. This may eventually lead to finding a mate who will take us through another rite of passage - from fecund female to nurturing mother.

At a deep unconscious level, this snake-like “sloughing off” becomes second nature. And even though change is natural and even desirable, it is still difficult. Especially since the beginning of a new cycle is often prefigured by depression, restlessness, or unease related to a sense of losing one’s former self.

In terms of social roles, some women go through new stages of life as often as every ten years. For others it may be every twenty or thirty years. The mothering identity is so strong that as beloved children begin to leave the nest, some women lose touch with their cyclical nature and begin to panic. They may have affairs or a late-life child in order to prolong a role that had come to seem total and all encompassing.

Menopause represents a big moon cycle, in fact, an eclipse of our moon. What appeared in our teenage years begins to wane and disappear. It is mega skin-shedding time and signals that we will no longer have monthly reminders that life is cyclical. In sloughing off our childbearing capacity, we experience strange new energies and impulses and greater self-awareness. It’s an opportunity to reinvent our selves.

Experiencing a peak of power and strength, post-menopausal women find Western society’s image of “retirement” or “senior citizen” problematic. The male model of retirement does not fit our nature. Rather than withdrawing from social engagement to reconvene on the golf course, we are ready to reposition our selves within a larger social scene. All our previous experience has shown us that whether it is giving up our mothering role, transitioning a twenty to thirty year career, or leaving a demanding 9-5 job, this is an evolution to a new self-image, the dawn of a fertile era.

Embracing the Fullness of Being You
At each stage of life a woman must bring all her creative energies to bear on giving shape to her authentic self, the one within and yet beyond the nubile young maiden, the supportive mother, or the responsible worker. We must shed our former identities and social norms to release our creative powers and give birth to new ventures.

It is precisely because life transitions, though natural, are difficult that I have developed a series of seven creativity and personal transformation workshops called Something More. Utilizing creative processes such as visual art, personal writing, and facilitated individual and group reflection, each session provides in depth conversation with other women who are ready to discover their personal wellsprings for generative living. I am offering these five-hour workshops for the first time this year here in Eugene.

Who am I? Acknowledging My Current State
Oct 12         Awakening My Untapped Potential
Nov 16        Dreaming My Authentic Self

What do I want? Visioning My Desired Path
Dec 14            Owning My Personal Power
Jan 18             Visualizing My Ideal Future
Feb 15            Realizing All That I Can Be

Where am I going? Actualizing My Awesome Capacities
Mar 15            Opening to New Vistas
Apr 12            Singing My Being into Existence

Whatever transition you are in, trust that the gentle beauty of a new moon follows the lunar eclipse. Relish it.