Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Wake Up, America

Every young person seeing me wear this pin has enthusiastically liked it.
On November 8, 2016 many of the values upon which our union of fifty states were founded were trampled in an outrageous election that left most sane people gasping for air. Pundit after pundit will give their belated analysis of what caused the veil separating reality from media hype to bring an ignorant and racist sexual predator into the highest position in our federal government. Many will blame Hillary for not being ‘the right woman’or for failing to do thus and so.


Hillary Clinton was the only woman with the elephant hide to withstand the withering criticism that standing at the top of the ballot requires. Having endured decades of hostile media labeling her ‘a bitch’ (translates ‘nasty woman’), at our moment in history she was the right woman to lead my generation’s charge against the highest glass ceiling of American society. Please read Hard Truths by Hillary Clinton for a compelling contemporary history of the world. Because of her willingness to take society’s stones and arrows, there now stands a phalanx of younger women who will take up the battle she waged.

Hillary at the top of the ticket helped 95 pro-choice Democratic women win election to the US Senate, US House of Representatives, state and local offices. For example, consider these four new female US senators.
  • Kamala Harris - an African American and Indian American from California
  • Catherine Cortez Masto – winning Reid’s Nevada seat, our first Latina senator
  • Tammy Duckworth – representing Illinois, first Thai-American senator
  • Maggie Hassan – current New Hampshire Governor who defeated a rabid Republican

For the full list of 95 pro-choice Democratic women supported by Emily’s List, go to: 

You can also find Emily's List on social media. 

Emily’s List

For those of you who don’t know, Emily’s List is a 30-year-old organization that encourages women to run for public office, teaches them how to run campaigns and helps fund their campaigns. EMILY stands for Early Money Is Like Yeast (it makes the dough rise).

Thirty years ago a handful of Democratic women looked at the lack of female representation in US congress and began poking around to find out why this was the case. They learned that when women announced a desire to run for office, their party leaders said, “You can’t win so we’re not giving money to your campaign.” With no money to build a campaign, they did indeed lose their elections.

With nothing but a Rolodex of friendly contacts, these women began raising money to fund the early stages of women candidate campaigns. One woman at a time, they began helping elect women to US congress. Emily’s List has supported every Democratic woman in congress today.

Over time, Emily’s List discovered that they needed to seek out and encourage women to become political candidates. More recently they realized they needed a pipeline of women gaining exposure and experience at the local and state levels. Thus this year’s crop of 95 pro-choice Democratic women winners up and down the local, state, and national levels.

Emily’s List sends out information about the women they are supporting. As a potential funder, you give directly to the campaigns of those women you choose. I personally funded our four new senators, some returning female Democratic women senators, and some who ran great campaigns but did not defeat their Republican Koch-funded opponents; women such as Katy McGinty in Pennsylvania and Deborah Ross in North Carolina. Please note that these two women did better than two of the males picked by the Democratic Party: Evan Bayh and Russ Feingold.

This sign will remain on my lawn. I am proud of Hillary's campaign.

The People’s President

Hillary Clinton has won at least 1.5 million (the number keeps growing as votes continue to be counted) more votes in the general election than the Dumpster who won enough Electoral College votes to become President-elect. Hillary’s victory was won by those who represent the values for which she ran: inclusivity, higher wages, working together, fighting for clean energy to combat the growing disaster of climate change, love trumps hate, and more. Her victory represents a far larger margin than Al Gore won in 2000.

The racism, bigotry, and misogyny that characterized the campaign of The Dumpster are a direct result of decades of untruths propagated by the Fox Lie machine and major media all owned by wealthy conservatives. Fed a constant diet of entertaining falsehoods, people have lost the ability to discern fact from fiction. Many people found The Dumpster’s outrageous lies and Roger Ailes-fed slogans supported their predispositions, failing to subject these to a truth test. Is it even possible to ever again have a free press that informs rather than entertains?

Hillary Clinton is clearly The People’s President. Even with thousands of Democrats stricken from voter registers in Republican-held states, unabashed voter suppression through difficult poll locations and extreme ID requirements, vicious intimidation, and vote buying by the Koch Hispanic outreach program, a preponderance of individuals in these United States believe in the basic American values represented by Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.

I stand with a proud line of Hillary supporters.
The Eugene GOTV run by young people succeeded
in electing a Democratic woman as my areas's state representative
despite gobs of outside money for the Republican. 

Grassroots Democracy

Our federal system of government is in tatters. Since the Supreme Court foisted Citizens United on our democracy, the financial powers that have always threatened our democracy have escalated. Republicans have hamstrung our legislative functions. With these ‘big business’ proponents now in control of the House, the Senate, the presidency, and soon the Supreme Court, all checks and balances are lost. Washington will be nothing but an on-going circus and entertainment machine. There will be no policies for the benefit of common ordinary citizens, only for the rich and powerful.

This being the case, I have come to the conclusion that it is up to grassroots activists working at community and state levels to forge a new style of ‘Stronger Together’ government. California Governor Jerry Brown gave the battle cry by proclaiming that his diverse and populous state will not be bludgeoned into accepting the draconian, hate-filled, and outdated ideas spouted by The Dumpster and his loyal followers. In two years Jerry Brown transformed a state bankrupted by Republican Arnold Swartzenegger into a healthy economy. Thousands of people in major cities across the nation heard Brown’s clarion call and have stood up to support a new form of grassroots democracy.

Concerned citizens can create sanctuary cities to protect our most vulnerable residents, raise the minimum wage to rebuild a middle class, continue to build and escalate clean energy businesses and jobs to fight carbon-induced climate change, and engage young people in a new style of community and nation-building (thank you Bernie Sanders). Such efforts could provide a beginning point for all those states that want to participate in a new form of government for and by the people.

Perhaps it is illusory to postulate that modeling a new future might attract the interest of open-minded citizens in Republican-controlled states and counties. However, if it is true that some people in this occupied territory voted for The Dumpster not out of the racism and bigotry represented by gun-toting white supremacy believing men but because they truly want change and are willing to work for it, then perhaps it is possible to hope for a national awakening of civic engagement.

As a human community, America elected a dedicated and compassionate woman to lead the country. As a corrupted political system, America gave power to an unworthy man. John Kerry, a respected world statesman, was swift-boat advertised out of the presidency. Al Gore, a Nobel-prize winning environmental activist, was hanging chadded out of the presidency. It’s time for grassroots democracy to create new political systems.

Wake up, America.