Friday, March 27, 2020


Beginning Reflection

Looking Within
In this era of social distancing we can find solace and new direction in connecting with our inner selves. One way to begin is to take a look at the most recent period of your life. Since recording this inventory will help your neurological function and aid your introspection, get a pencil and paper, or a journal if you have one, and write the date of your Taking Stock entry at the top of a page.

Begin in a meditative atmosphere, by closing your eyes and feeling the flow of your life over the past few weeks, months, or even years. Take your time. There's no need to rush. Welcome tears, anger, or anxiety if they come up. After considering the inner movement of this most recent time, give this latest chapter in your life a title. 


You may want to add notes about when you sense the period began, characteristics it embodied, and any intuitions or sensations that arose during your reflection. 

Look closely and you'll see that my cactus is bursting with new life.

Diving Into The Details

What has been my self-image during this time period? In other words, how have I experienced the ‘me’ in myself? Have I had a particular identity? Am I clinging to it now or ready to let it go?

Physical Experience
How has my body been during this time? Have there been health challenges or illness, bodily or psychological changes? What about physical engagement in athletics or sexuality? Have I over-indulged or allowed addictions to take hold? How have I experienced nature?

Have strange, uncanny, striking, dramatic, or coincidental events occurred? Have I sensed that any historic or artistic events have special meaning for me? Has a significant event shaped or even changed the direction of my life?

I love how my winter Hellebore is blooming alongside a Dandelion announcing spring . 
Meaningful Engagement
What projects have had an inner meaning for me? Why and how? Did I encounter hopes, plans, difficulties, challenges? Was I successful or did I experience dissatisfaction or failure? 

What relationships with individuals have been important? What social groups have been significant? Why? How have I been engaged in social or political issues?

What significant decisions did I make? Or did I not make? Did I or am I now facing a crossroads in life? Has a mentor or wise teacher influenced me in any way?

Inner Life
Have I had a sense of connection to or disconnection from the wider universe? Have I had memorable or recurring dreams, an uncanny encounter, a synchronistic experience? Have I felt blessed or cursed? Did I have a stroke of good luck or a streak of bad fortune?

My about-to-pop-open tulips are welcomed by some volunteer bluebells.


Listening within, close your eyes, relax, and open all of your senses. Allow an image, smell, or physical sensation to present itself. Record these spontaneous images and sensations.

Sentence Completion 
My life in this period has been like …

It’s as if …

This makes me want to …

Above the rooftop you can see the aura of a maple tree's buds.
Take the next few minutes slowly. Perhaps walk around a bit or refresh yourself in nature before picking up the threads of everyday life. 

Monday, March 9, 2020

Book Release March 12

Our local radio station has put out a blog for Book Release event this Thursday at Tsunami bookstore in Eugene, Oregon from 5:30 - 7:00. This link shares the blog post.

If you're in the area, please join me.

There will be a reminder radio announcement on KLCC Wednesday around 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.

Monday, March 2, 2020


I understand the anger that simmers in communities across America because we recognize that corporate America and a government controlled by the rich and powerful have sold us out. I resonate with the fear that grips parents of every ethnicity who have lost loved ones to gun violence. I experience the anxiety that even the most uninformed citizen feels about the future of our democracy as we wrestle with the recklessness of an out-of-control and emotionally immature person in power. Yet, I know from experience that we can move beyond these paralyzing emotions by glimpsing a vision forged of hope, courage and compassion.  

21st Century Democracy 
I became an Elizabeth Warren supporter when she showed me that a twenty-first century democracy is possible. Behind all of the plans found at there lies a vision for Planetary Equilibrium based on a truly Representational Government that provides Social Well-Being for everyone.

Hope Resides Beyond Fear

Planetary Equilibrium can be achieved by focusing on creating an equitable economy. Warren’s Green and Blue New Deals create well-paying jobs in America by investing in scientific innovation and developing global relationships based on diplomacy, trade, and cooperation among allies. 

Compassion Moves Beyond Anger

Warren sees that Social Well-Being can be achieved by taxing the wealthy who depend upon educated workers and a post-modern infrastructure. Health Care is an investment in the human capital upon which all progress depends. Public Education not only provides an effective work force, it unleashes the human potential that fires innovation. Women’s equality not only doubles a nation’s economy, it injects human values into decision-making.

Courage Emerges Beyond Anxiety

Warren’s experience in creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and serving in the senate has given her a vision for a truly Representational Government. Such a return to our democratic roots depends upon ending lobbying by the rich and powerful. Removing the filibuster will unblock the levers of decision-making so that action on immigration, racial justice, gun control, and climate change becomes possible. Reducing military expenditures that suck our human and economic resources can open doors to peace and prosperity.

Please join me in Warren’s campaign based on hope, energized by courage, and imbued with compassion.