Monday, January 28, 2013

EVE’S IMPRINT: A Global Family

Seven billion people live today on this awesome planet, a place that needs to be returned to a sustainable natural state in order to support continued human life. All seven billion are descendants of one woman in East Africa, Mitochondrial Eve, making us one global family. To save our beautiful planet and to preserve the rich diversity of our family’s many cultures requires a new era of peace and partnership.

After mastering survival skills, Homo sapiens created art. These ancestors collected feathers and bones to wear as adornments, made bones into beads and chiseled images into rock. Some sketched animals on cave walls to assist hunters in envisioning a victorious hunt. Others painted their bodies with dyes derived from plants and minerals for ceremonies honoring nature for her bounty and humans for their resilience.

Because of these ancient roots, visual art, similar to storytelling, resonates with the human heart and inspires acts of caring and daring. In modern times, Picasso’s Guernica confronted humanity with the devastation brought by war. Judy Chicago’s Dinner Party inspired a generation of women to demand equality. Frank Gehry’s Disney Symphony Hall and Guggenheim Museum introduced new visions of construction.

EVE’S IMPRINT aspires to speak to the human heart about our common ancestral roots and diverse cultural creativity. It’s objective is to create fine art that reflects the courage and audacity of our ancestors who left East Africa 50,000 to 70,000 years ago and walked or sailed to every corner of planet earth. Using beauty, color, design, and space, this project will result in content-centered artistic expressions that, hopefully, will occasion a spark of recognition and evoke a desire for reconciliation among the many branches of our human family.

Comments and questions are welcome.

Photo credits: All from Google Images