Friday, February 21, 2020

Beating the Odds

Elizabeth Warren Will Beat the Odds and Win

Elizabeth Warren says, “You don’t get what you don’t fight for.” I know in my bones that is true. Twenty-two years after surviving breast cancer, it metastasized to my bones. Yet, by fighting, today I am stronger and healthier than a majority of Americans.

Fighting for a Diagnosis

Everyone told me the growing disfunction and pain in my right hip was arthritis. Finally, my Primary Care Provider (PCP) ordered an X-ray. Viewing the result, two orthopedic doctors said it didn’t look like arthritis; maybe it was Pagett’s disease. My PCP ordered a CT scan.

After seeing results of the scan, my physical therapist called. She said I had a metastatic illness throughout my skeleton, most prominently in my right pelvis. I needed to get a bone biopsy to find out what cancer had metastasized. Due to the fragility of the bone I was in danger of a pathological fracture. “I want you to use crutches to keep pressure off of the right hip.”

Thursday before Labor Day weekend 2018, I spoke with a scheduler at the appointed testing facility for a bone biopsy. He explained the delay in scheduling. “We had to find a doctor to do it, schedule a room, and order a special needle because ‘we don’t normally do bone biopsies.’” RED FLAG! I got the doctor’s name and checked him out online. RED FLAG! It was not his specialty and he had very low approval ratings. 

I called a friend to check my gut feeling that I was headed for a procedure that might permanently damage my right pelvis and leave me crippled. Concurring, she said, “Cancel it. You have one day before the long weekend to get rescheduled with an experienced doctor in a competent facility. You can do it.”

I cancelled the biopsy next morning and began searching for a place with experience. Just before noon I called to have an order sent. My PCP did not know this facility and sent it to a wrong number. I gave them the correct one. At 4:00 I received a call reporting that all tests and images had been received at my chosen facility. 

This Fight Is My Fight

Meanwhile, my naturopath and I reviewed the CT scan. It showed no tumors in any primary organs. I had done enough research to figure out that it was likely from the original breast cancer. She put me on a sugar and gluten-free diet with protein from green vegetables, fish, and poultry and gave me vitamins and a tincture to boost my immune system. I asked about using visualization to remove cancer cells from my bones. “Yes. Visualization has been scientifically tested and proven to be effective.” 

Two or three times every day I visualized myself being surrounded by a galaxy of Love, Hope, Expertise, and Archaic Body Wisdom. I took the light of the galaxy down through the crown of my head and through all of the bones of my skeleton, visualizing it zapping cancer cells and disposing of them. 

By the time the bone biopsy confirmed that the metastasis was from breast cancer, I had researched where to go for treatment. Eugene’s Willamette Valley Cancer Research Institute (WVCI) is part of a nation-wide medical network that collaborates on cancer research. 

I called to schedule an appointment with an oncologist so I could tell my PCP where to send an order. It would take weeks to see the person my naturopath recommended. The scheduler suggested someone else. I read his bio on my computer screen - 7 years at Mayo clinic and ongoing cancer research. Great! I’ll take it. 

Fighting to Stop the Growth of the Cancer

Everywhere at WVCI are the words, We Believe in Hope. My oncologist said, “You will have this disease for the rest of your life, but you will not die from it.” I like and trust this guy!

After getting acquainted and learning the drugs he was prescribing, I asked, “Do you think it would be possible by June 2019 for me to do a forty-five-minute presentation on my feet without crutches?” My accompanying friend gasped in disbelief. He was attentive. “I have been working ten years on an art installation that is scheduled for an exhibition in Seattle and I will need to speak about it.”

He responded, “I want you to see an orthopedic oncologist in Portland. You need to be seen by an doctor who is familiar with your disease.” Before I left, he had someone scheduling me an appointment at Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU). He sent me to the resident pharmacy to pick up my first drug. His plan to start me on a drug to strengthen my bones suffered delays as we fought with my insurance over their preferred drug versus his recommended one.

Two weeks later I was at OHSU. An orthopedic doctor told me there were treatment options, but it all depended upon what my goals were and how much I was willing to invest. I repeated my June 2019 goal. I asked about bone cement. He turned on the computer and showed me images of my right pelvis.

It looked like swiss cheese and there was a two-inch black hole. “We can’t do bone cement because it goes in as a liquid and would go right through the holes.”  He recommended doing ten days of radiation at WVCI and coming back in three months.

Radiation is exhausting but I was up for whatever it would take to restore my health and mobility. Once through that ordeal, my naturopath focused my vitamin supplements on bone growth. When I arrived back at OHSU on Christmas Eve day, I was no longer in pain and I had graduated from crutches to a cane. 

After X-rays., I saw the doctor and asked what they showed. He said there was no change. “But don’t bones re-grow?” “Yes, but very slowly. You may always have the ‘swiss cheese and black hole’. We have stopped the growth of the cancer. Come again in three months.” 

Fighting to Rebuild My Bones

I asked my naturopath, “If the X-rays don’t show any change, how could he say we’ve stopped the growth of the cancer?” Studying blood work done prior to my visit to OHSU, it showed that the breast cancer marker was down from 303 in September to 60. (It has since gone down to the 40s.) Radiation had given a boost to the drugs. We high fived and adjusted my vitamin supplements and visualizations accordingly. 

It was five months before I got back to OHSU. After X-rays, I was greeted by two of my doctor’s students who asked questions about what I was doing. I talked about my work with a naturopath. I did not mention my visualizations, sensing they would think that was ‘woo woo’. 

The interns seemed puzzled about something, so I asked what they saw in the X-rays.
Bringing up the images, one said there was obvious healing of the bone. I asked, “No ‘swiss cheese or black hole?’” The doctor confirmed this, said I was one of the lucky ones, and announced I did not need to see him again.

Three weeks later, I packed and shipped over forty art works, installed them at the gallery, walked for ten days up three metal staircases, and did six presentations without crutches or cane. I believe in science and the power of the human spirit.

Elizabeth Warren is fighting for the changes that will get this country back on track. I know in my bones that she can beat the odds and become the president we need at this point in our history. 

Sunday, February 9, 2020


If you’ve been on the sidelines waiting to find out who the Democrats are going to choose as our presidential candidate, NOW is the time to move from the edges and join in the battle of our lifetime. The Civil Rights movement, resistance to the Viet Nam war, and feminist revolution fore-shadowed what we face full-front now.

The Iowa caucus was a mess because people are confused by a changing political paradigm. Old party definitions and ideologies have gone by the wayside because 21st century problems cannot be solved with 19th or 20th century solutions. Environmental chaos is disrupting patterns of human settlement that we assumed were set in stone. Artificial intelligence is altering the whole concept of work and employment. Global systems of trade have put entire groups of people on the defensive.

A new ethics-based political paradigm has emerged. Based on values such as courage, truth, and respect for diversity, it transcends previous party, national and tribal identities. Greta Thunberg comes to mind as exemplifying this new lens for understanding the events of our era.

The Paradigm Battle

Paradigms do not change without periods of confusion, disarray, and conflict. We witnessed the current struggle to embrace the new paradigm when:
  • Mitt Romney voted to remove a same-party president from political office, accepting the GOP ostracism that would result
  • Vulnerable Democrat Doug Jones chose to protect the US constitution regardless of this resulting in the likely loss of his senate seat
  • Adam Schiff and the whole House Impeachment team eloquently and with precision presented evidence of wrong-doing by an out-of-control autocrat while knowing that power-hungry Republicans would not listen
  • Yavanovitch and Vindman, both from immigrant families, were willing to sacrifice their careers to get out the truth. 

Each of these persons made their sacrifice in hope that the rest of us would listen and have the courage to act on what we also know to be true. 

Protectors of the old paradigm of aristocratic money and power, relics of nation-states and the colonialism of previous eras, want to keep us in confusion and disarray because that paralyzes us from taking courageous action. Wall Street and the GOP tell us that our economy is thriving when in reality 30% of all workers are in a gig economy that provides unstable income and no benefits.  

The Democratic field of presidential candidates has been large, boding well for future leadership. But, having to choose between so many options can feel overwhelming. While many of these future leaders will be in a new Democratic administration, now we need to unite around one candidate so we can build momentum for the general election in which we remove the Divider-in-chief. 

After watching every debate, reading political essays, seeing C-Span videos of the candidates out on the campaign trail and looking through an ethics-driven paradigm, here's my overview of our primary options. Full disclosure: I am a Warren Democrat. 

New Paradigm Candidates

Any female candidate is part of a new political paradigm. This automatically makes her an outsider who is generally overlooked or ignored by old paradigm pundits. 

Amy Klobachar
With a grandfather who worked on the iron range and father who was a local journalist, Amy identifies with people who work hard for a living. She is a senator for Minnesota, a diverse Mid-Western state that has been hit hard by automation. With a strong record in the senate, she advocates for moderate changes to the system – something that appeals to the large older population but doesn’t give young people a lot of hope. Her clever attacks on other candidates will make it hard for her to unite the Democratic party. 

Elizabeth Warren
The daughter of an Oklahoma janitor and minimum-wage spouse, Warren worked her way through high school and a Houston public college. Her experience teaching special education, followed by attending law school in New Jersey led to a career as a law professor. Her principles drove her to research middle-class issues and to fight for a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that has now returned 12 billion dollars to citizens who were cheated by financial institutions. Her intelligence and experience are invigorated with compassion. 

Single Issue New Paradigm Candidates

Tom Steyer
Issue: Saving the environment before it’s too late. His epiphany came after making billions in the fossil-fuel industry. In 2018 he helped with the blue wave by funding young people as organizers to get youth politically engaged. While climate change is a fundamental issue affecting the future of all of us and the whole planet, he has not spelled out how it intersects with all of the other issues we face.

Andrew Yang  
Issue: Work as we have known it is going away. Artificial Intelligence/automation is rapidly eroding jobs. It is important that we hear this message. As he foresees this, his solution is to give every adult $1000 a month as a base income. However, he has not done the math to show us how this would be paid for and has not articulated a full vision. Or if he has, he has not articulated it in a way ordinary people can understand.  

Old Paradigm Candidates

Joe Biden
The former Vice President is trying to become a new paradigm politician focused on ethics but does not know how to embed values into innovative new policies. His strong support in the African American community is a huge asset but he has so much baggage from a long career in politics that almost any adversary can find something with which to flog him. He was an early target of the orange-faced one and has not shown that he can beat him.

Michael Bloomberg
He is focused, rightly, on beating Donald Trump. As a billionaire and former three-term New York mayor who is cognizant of Trump’s bankruptcies and racist shady deals, he knows that Trump is a business failure driving the economy to greater inequities. He is spending his billions to make the rest of us aware of this. His black marks are money in politics and as a crafter of the Stop and Frisk policing that unfairly incarcerated people of color.

Pete Buttigiege
A 38-year-old smooth talker, he was mayor of South Bend, Indiana for eight years during which the number of incarcerated African Americans soared, exceeding other places in the nation. His gay orientation tempted me to place him in the new paradigm category, however he is following the old pattern of money influencing politics and is heavily supported by Wall Street. He attracts a large following, but his sexual orientation would make him a prime target for the Insulter-in-chief.     

Bernie Sanders
As a self-identified Socialist, this is the candidate the Hater-in-Chief wants. Sanders’ Socialist label is made to order for rallying the red-hat base. You have to hand it to Sanders for consistency over his forty-year political career. But he is a figurehead rather than a leader. He is unable to give moral direction to his followers who do not identify with Democrats and use name-calling and underhanded tactics to criticize Democratic candidates.

Get In The Fight

The GOP makes fun of Democratic turnout for the Iowa caucus being on a par with 2016 and not 2018, but the reality is that while over 176,113 people braved cold weather and new procedures to show support for Democratic candidates, Republican turnout was only 18% of that - 31,770Each of the three Democratic front-runners had more than their total turnout. Don't be fooled by 'supposedly' large rallies for Trump; cult followers are often bused in from elsewhere.

To defeat morally bankrupt Republicans holding on to an old ineffectual paradigm, we need you in the fight NOW. If a conservative group in Arizona can enter the new paradigm and launch the Lincoln Project to defeat Trump supporter and enabler McSally, I know you can figure out a role in the upcoming election. I got ideas by going to Now I'm writing letters to the editor and have an app on my phone that allows me to canvas anywhere any time. After getting trained in a Warren campaign on-line sessionI'll be tabling for the Democratic party at the Asian celebration next Sunday where I’ll be using my app!