Sunday, November 29, 2020

Love Overcomes Fear

The human body is a bundle of energies that emanate into space. The heart sends out the energy of love and altruism and emanates 60% more energy than any other part of the body. On the other hand, the limbic brain at the base of the skull is focused on survival and generates fear and negativity.

We have watched the collective power of these two forces play out over the last four years and especially the last year. For the moment it appears that our capacity for love has overcome our tendency toward fear. May it be so!

Those with a desire to exercise the energy of the heart may find Lynne McTaggart’s The Power of Eight, Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of A Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life and the World helpful. Researching ‘the power of intention’ for over twenty years, she has documented individual and social healings achieved through small groups of people focusing their energy of intention.

The basics are:
• A group of 5-12 persons agree to meet once a week for a designated number of weeks - in person or online.
• During a session, each individual holds a specific group intention (healing a person or a situation) for ten minutes.
• It helps if individuals engage all their senses – voice, sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste – as they practice their intention of healing.
• Reflection or discussion may or may not follow the ten minutes of focused energy.

Begin taking the path toward becoming Homo Luminous