Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Symbols of the Self

The circle, square, and diamond are symbols of the self or soul. In traditional Tibetan mandalas, one can only get into the central square through portals that are guarded by ogres and angels. Any centering mandala is an invitation to go inward and be refreshed.

Portals to the Heart

Centering Mandala with Square and Portals

  • Place the materials in front of yourself on a table.
  • Write the date in the upper righthand corner of blank white paper.
  • In the upper left corner write, “Beginning this I feel …” 
  • Center yourself. Put both feet on the floor, close your eyes, slow down your breathing, center yourself. 

Just remain in the center, watchingAnd then forget that you are there. Lao Tzu

  • Choose a color and draw a circle.

Flower Portals

  • Choose another color and draw a square in the center of the circle.

Goddess Portals

  • Choose one or more colors and draw four doorways into the square. The doorways are portals, thresholds, and obstacles.

Peaceful Center

  • Fill the whole circle with color.
  • When finished, write at the bottom, “Completing this I feel …”

If it feels right, share your reflections with a friend.

Four Directions Home


LiDoƱa Wagner, GRAPHITINT & INKTENSE pencils