Friday, January 14, 2022

Year of the Tiger

Transformation to the 3rd Power

My gratitude overflows for the transformation that has occurred in my life since receiving Clarissa, my pacemaker. Intriguingly, during the week after Clarissa entered my life, I intuitively made a centering mandala with three butterflies. Now three months out, after a previous long period of sluggishly dragging myself from day to day, I have renewed energy, greater physical flexibility, and enhanced mental alertness. 


Why did this these symbols of transformation appear as i was integrating Clarissa into my life? They are not the endangered species of Monarchs I've been working for some time to protect. These butterflies emerged from inside me as a message from my psyche. I suspect the big one represents my health and well-being after Clarissa. 

Youthful Joy

But what about the other two? I remember feeling young and joyful when I put in the small pink, magenta and turquoise one. The new life she represents has not yet been revealed but might relate to publishing my third book, REINVENT YOURSELF with Dreaming & Artful Play, in the Year of the Tiger, 2022. 

Memories of the Monkey Dance

The brown, blue and white one reminds me of Indonesian batik cloth. Maybe it’s about pulling together spirit methods I have honed over many years into a Learning Lab in which participants create stories of personal change while going on a reinvention journey as they learn to guide dreamwork and artful play exercises.  

Signs of Life
I love my early morning exercise routine, done on a mat in front of the patio windows where I can witness nature’s changing rhythms. Noticing nanoseconds in Earth's long life pulls me out of self-absorption, reconnecting me to the source of life.


Human ignorance 

Endangering our mother

Mountain snow retreats


May your Year of the Tiger be filled with strength, courage, and ingenuity. Perhaps the simple act of drawing a circle and spontaneously putting something within will open a window into where your life wants to go next.