Tuesday, June 27, 2023


A vaulted window brings light into a one-story cottage at Marquis Eugene

A decision to sell my home of 20 years and move into a rental cottage in a 55+ community, something that I had never considered for my future, was prompted by ongoing stress fram an alcoholic MAGA neighbor creating constant chaos and disruption. 

Front Porch

Stress manifested as a sense that my life was shrinking: fewer human contacts, less reading, limited gardening, sporadic art creation, fewer calories absorbed, reduced steps taken. Plus, every nook and cranny of my home was stuffed with paintings, unsorted files, unsold books - nooks that were separated by a staircase, a storage unit off the back patio, and another at the front. And my excitement over helping create a community garden, a ten-year dream, had waned as the strain of maintaining it ensued. 

Buddha Welcomes All Visitors

Although I had begun downsizing my library, reducing my wardrobe, and giving away art materials, once my home went on the market with a plan to sell within 30 days, serious packing revealed that I would be moving not only a home, but an office, a studio, a gallery, and a garden that included my tree nursery. Like Psyche with a mountain of seeds to sort, my heart sank before such a challenge. 

Buddha's view includes the North Star rising each night. 

Had not a covey of friends lifted me up with their generous energy, I would still be at 1586 Fetters Loop. But from June 1 to 5 the move to 435 Sahalie Way was accomplished and the title of my former home transferred to a young family of two teachers and two small children. 

Studio Entrance Garage)


Once at 435 Sahalie Way, the shrink-wrap protecting my life began to unfurl. I met the couple with whom I share one wall - a Thai couple from Pennsylvania. He’s a former pediatrician. How refreshing! People here at Marquis have come from California, Mexico, Arizona, places in Oregon, and more. An energetic 93-year-old woman leads a water aerobics class and a physical assessment by a personal trainer laid out a path to adding strength to my resilient agility.  

Tree Nursery & Garden Outside Bedroom Window
A months-long process of unpacking and divestment lies ahead, but having all the art in one place and boxes of files in a different space but on the same floor makes the task doable. An uninsulated garage-studio presents challenges but also new opportunities for teaching. As I feel the shrink-wrap lessening, I find myself opening to new possibilities.