Our lives are permeable, we do not know our future selves. We live in a setting, an environment that includes parents, siblings, neighbors, a specific culture, a nation, the natural world, and planetary forces. All of these are constantly interacting, making for ongoing shifts and change. You cannot know the future you because you are always making choices, creating paths that disintegrate in the face of new realities.
That means that despairing about the past or worrying about the future will get you nowhere. Focus on now, this moment in time. So, let’s check in with our unconscious to get some clues about your present situation. Anthropologist Angeles Arrien did extensive research into universal symbols. Her award-winning book, Signs of Life shares a diagnostic tool to give you an intuitive sense of where you are in your life now. Try it out now.
Study five universal shapes below.
Which of these shapes do you like most? Put a #1 beside that one.
Which shape is your second most liked? Put a #2 beside that one.
Which shape do you like least? Put a #5 beside that one.
Examine the two remaining shapes. Which do you like more? Put a #3 beside that one.
The remaining shape is now your second most disliked? Put a #4 beside that one.
Examine your choices. Do the numbers feel correct? If not, change the numbers now.
What you have put in first place is where you think you are now. Your number two choice indicates a strength that others see in you, but you may not be aware of. Your number five choice represents old, unfinished business in which you currently have little interest. The shape you put in fourth place is a past challenge that is motivating your current process of change. The shape you selected for number three reveals where you are now. Let’s look at your number three choice.
If you chose the circle for number three, it suggests that achieving independence will bring your natural creative abilities to all areas of life. If the equidistant cross was your third choice, you will discover your originality and regenerative power through a relationship process. If the square is your number three, you need to stabilize and implement your creative endeavors and have the energy to do so. The spiral as your third choice shows that by trusting change and variety you can release your full energy. If your number three is a triangle, now is the time to envision and actualize your dreams, be inspired.
Now, make it personal. Take a moment to reflect on the intuitive meaning of the shape that was your third choice. What comes to mind when you read the sentence about your number three choice? Are you surprised? Does it bring up memories or forgotten visions? Does it feel right? If it irritates you, ask yourself why? Has it brought up something different than you expected? Is anyone else involved? Is it suggesting an action that has been outside your conscious awareness? What are you going to do with what has come up for you?
Write a few sentences about how your number three selection mirrors what is taking place in your life now. Are you curious about your other choices? If so, the appendix provides descriptions of your number one, two, four, and five choices.
You have accomplished your first lesson in being an artist: playing with visual symbols!