25 years in the making, PILGRIMAGE Wonder, Encounter, Witness is coming out in a private pre-retail edition in two weeks.
People reviewing proof copies say, “This is a treasure.” “What a gorgeous book!” “I want copies to give as gifts.”
What sets Pilgrimage apart is not simply its beauty; it’s the layers of meaning it holds. In the first section I share where I went, what I saw, what I did, what I gave, what I received. This is done through photographs, maps and brief contextual material.
The second section displays amazing color reproductions of the 17 paintings in my Pilgrimage exhibition. Two sentence blurbs invite the reader to explore each work of art.
Anecdotal stories that accompany the paintings comprise the third section of the book. Each story has color details cropped from the painting it narrates. This makes it easy for the reader to move back and forth between stories, paintings, and photographs.
In gratitude for the many persons who have assisted in bringing this dream into reality, I am making 75 copies of this private edition available to followers of my blog at the printing cost of $17.50 plus shipping.
Of course, I’m hoping those who get Pilgrimage at the special private edition price will fall in love with it and encourage people to buy the retail edition when it comes out in the fall.
Hi LiDona,
Let me be the first one to sign up to buy your book!
I feel like the proud Mom watching her daughter graduating from college! Yet I didn't even pay your college tuition.
You did all the work, LiDona, thank you so much for the credit you so generously gave me.
Let's bring out our champagne and glasses!
Put me down for number two.
Congratulations - it is a very fine effort!
I'll talk to Karen and take action on the order we have already discussed. Terry
LiDona, I would like a a copy of your book. Sounds like caring book...which I could use about now. Let me know how to do this. I'll be out of the country July 11-29.
Congratulations for a job well done, which I can say without seeing the product.
Priscilla Wilson
I definitely would like one. Judi White
Hi LiDona,
This book looks so lovely and interesting; I would like to order two copies, please. We'll have another round of champagne to celebrate when you visit Denver.
Ann Epps
Mesmerized!! I made it a retreat in and of itself. I chose some light energy music and read the whole book from cover to cover, spending reflective moments at each entry and each picture. I was transformed and had a week long journey with my own memory and imagination. Thank you for your most poignant and accurate account of our common history.
Judi White
I want to buy a copy of your book too-I am in Mexico sailing on the Sea of Cortez but tell me where my daughter in the states who handles my checkbook can send $ for the book....unless you take payment thru PayPal-I have an account with them. You can send the book to me:
Judy Kinworthy (from your old book club at Karen Grace's)
at 1155 Ironwood, Sweet Home, OR 97386...Can't wait to see and read your book!!!! Judy
Hi LiDona,
I'm just getting caught up on emails after traveling for 6 weeks.
Is the offer still open? I would love to order a copy.
Well done, Jan
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