Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Your Meaningful Life

Arabian Crossroads LiDoña Wagner 2018
Man's Search for Meaning 1946

Write a book, make a movie, or create a business.
Go somewhere to change your life.
What am I living for? If you don’t have meaning, go on a search to find one.

Buddha's Mother Dreaming LiDoña Wagner 2018
FOUR PILLARS OF MEANING - Emily Esfahani Smith
The Power Of Meaning: Crafting A Life That Matters 2017

purpose - finding something worthwhile to do with your time. Your vocation lies where your deep gladness and the world’s hunger meet.
Exercise:Write for ten minutes on your hopes for the future and your legacy – the part of your time that will go on living.   

storytelling - creating narratives that help you understand yourself and the world. Stories help us make sense of the world and our place in it. They claim our identity. 
Exercise: Divide your life into chapters. Recount key scenes (high/low points, turning point, memories). Think about your personal beliefs, values and philosophy of life. Reflect on your story’s central theme.

belonging - connecting and bonding with other people in positive ways.  
Exercise: Present a legacy project to a group: represent how you want to be remembered. Telling stories to an audience is connecting with people and letting them know they are not alone.

transcendence (central to spiritual systems) - mystical experiences of self-loss.
Exercise: Jumpstart a process of ‘deliberate rumination’: for 3-4 days in a row - take 15 minutes to write about the most upsetting experience in your life. Explore emotions and thoughts about the experience. People can learn and change after a trauma. It is how you interpret what happened, what you believe about yourself and life that forces growth. 

India's Cultural Heritage LiDoña Wagner 2018
WHO I AM - Dali Lama 
The Book of Joy - Lasting Happiness in a Changing World 2016
  • I am one of 7 billion human beings with global responsibility
  • I am a Buddhist monk
  • I am Tibetan - 1 of 6 million Tibetans
  • I am here to revive ancient Indian knowledge
  • I am secular - respect all religions and atheists
  • I have to take care of myself
  • I trust that change happens through education
  • I live compassion. It brings self-confidence and involves telling the truth, being transparent, living with trust, and being warm hearted.
Middle Eastern Records LiDoña Wagner 2018