Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Your Meaningful Life

Arabian Crossroads LiDoña Wagner 2018
Man's Search for Meaning 1946

Write a book, make a movie, or create a business.
Go somewhere to change your life.
What am I living for? If you don’t have meaning, go on a search to find one.

Buddha's Mother Dreaming LiDoña Wagner 2018
FOUR PILLARS OF MEANING - Emily Esfahani Smith
The Power Of Meaning: Crafting A Life That Matters 2017

purpose - finding something worthwhile to do with your time. Your vocation lies where your deep gladness and the world’s hunger meet.
Exercise:Write for ten minutes on your hopes for the future and your legacy – the part of your time that will go on living.   

storytelling - creating narratives that help you understand yourself and the world. Stories help us make sense of the world and our place in it. They claim our identity. 
Exercise: Divide your life into chapters. Recount key scenes (high/low points, turning point, memories). Think about your personal beliefs, values and philosophy of life. Reflect on your story’s central theme.

belonging - connecting and bonding with other people in positive ways.  
Exercise: Present a legacy project to a group: represent how you want to be remembered. Telling stories to an audience is connecting with people and letting them know they are not alone.

transcendence (central to spiritual systems) - mystical experiences of self-loss.
Exercise: Jumpstart a process of ‘deliberate rumination’: for 3-4 days in a row - take 15 minutes to write about the most upsetting experience in your life. Explore emotions and thoughts about the experience. People can learn and change after a trauma. It is how you interpret what happened, what you believe about yourself and life that forces growth. 

India's Cultural Heritage LiDoña Wagner 2018
WHO I AM - Dali Lama 
The Book of Joy - Lasting Happiness in a Changing World 2016
  • I am one of 7 billion human beings with global responsibility
  • I am a Buddhist monk
  • I am Tibetan - 1 of 6 million Tibetans
  • I am here to revive ancient Indian knowledge
  • I am secular - respect all religions and atheists
  • I have to take care of myself
  • I trust that change happens through education
  • I live compassion. It brings self-confidence and involves telling the truth, being transparent, living with trust, and being warm hearted.
Middle Eastern Records LiDoña Wagner 2018


Terry Bergdall said...

It's "old news" for many people, but I continue to appreciate David Brooks' distinction between living "résumé virtues and eulogy virtues." Your current blog brings those to mind when considering the meaning of life and thinking about one's purpose. As always, thanks much for the stimulation your monthly blog provides me. Terry

Isobel Bishop said...

Thank you Li Dona. So much good to reflect on in the words