Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Everyone Can Do Something

Voting is the most basic form of civic responsibility.
What are you doing to ensure that every person's voice is heard? Getting people registered is step one. After that, postcarding is a great way to encourage people to exercise their right to vote. Phonecalls to infrequent voters is another. Contacting ten people you know to help them make a plan for voting is another. I have chosen postcarding. I got these postcards from
To maintain balance, I'm practicing my energy glyphs for an online class I will be offering in the future. This one is a personal expression for HOPE.
After hope comes COURAGE.
I did this one from the prompt 'ORGANIZE TO WIN.' Although that's a deeply felt commitment, it's a complicated process. Working on it reminded me that glyphs are best for rendering emotions rather than thoughts.
In the midst of a poorly managed pandemic and climate change denials despite horrendous wildfires, anyone who visits me can tell that I choose to stand with Democrats to BUILD BACK BETTER. Whatever works best for you, DO IT! WE CAN DO THIS!


jpc2025 said...

Yeah for your safety news. What is your evacuation plan if needed?

Thank you for your continued blogging in spite of the change in format. John discovered the same glitch with his Journey Reflection.

Re: Voting action: May I copy your Whale of a difference? We worked on assembling packets for voting safety and absentee ballot request forms. Then helped deliver them by hanging them on doorknobs. Now on to letter writing. I responded to Sierra Clubs letter writing campaign.

Care to all our West Coast colleagues struggling with this dreadful air quality and imminent dangers. Lynda

Sandy Brown Jensen said...

I love these glyphs!
I guess you saw the GoFundMe video I made for my girlfriend on FB. My part toward helping out, but you’re right. The voting issue is important, too.
Way to go!