Monday, September 9, 2024


After about a decade of illness, health challenges, societal upheaval, and the Covid pandemic, I now appear to be experiencing what my friend Catherine Marsh calls ‘Aging Backwards.’ 

Living in my body today feels more like how I felt in 2014. I attribute my enhanced wellbeing and increased body awareness to at least six factors: Diet, Exercise, Purpose, Friendships, Centered Solitude, and Engagement in the Arts.

Over the next few blogs I hope to dialogue with you about each of these topics, one at a time, and to invite you to share your own experiences with healthy body awareness. Let's begin with HEALTHY EATING.

Here’s my standard get-the-day-started-right breakfast recipe.



Place in a stovetop pan
Whole Grain: ¼ cup of rolled oats with raisons (Red Mill Country Style Muesli)
. 6-8 chopped walnuts (protein)
. A pinch of black Chia seeds (reduces blood pressure & inflammation + more)

. Two tablespoons of dried organic cranberries (prevents urinary tract infections)
. ¼ cup frozen blueberries
. ¼ apple chopped (or fruit of season)
. ½ banana chopped (potassium & magnesium)
Seasoning: a couple shakes of cinnamon                                       

Pour enough unsweetened Almond Milk to cover (Calcium for strong bones) 

Milk Added

Stir and place on medium heat for just long enough to read Heather Cox Richardson’s daily blog. 

Milk boiling 

Remove from heat when liquid is bubbling and add
. 2 drops of liquid Vitamin D3 (boosts immune system + improves anxiety)
. ¼ tsp ground cloves (promotes healthy bones, especially teeth and gums)
. ½ tsp Tahini paste (reduces heart disease & inflammation)


Add ons

Allow to cool for ten minutes
Eat with prescribed medicine and vitamins

Note: I am not recommending any of these brands. I vary brands a lot; this is what I have on hand today. 

Ok, your turn! What is a meal plan, recipe, or discovery you have made about healthy eating?


Terry Bergdall said...

As I age, I've become much more conscious about healthy practices. This certainly involves a relationship to food. It also includes physical exercise. A few years ago I finally decided to become serious about managing my diet by counting calories. Recording the numbers each day has become a ritual that symbolizes and rehearses a my decision. Then, at the same time that I began counting calories, I also became much more focused on riding my bike. For me, the two have complemented each other well.

Judi white said...

Between heart, genetic cholesterol and regular age related adjustments in diet, I am grateful for Aldi's (finally arrived in this area of FL). I can afford total organic eating - fruits, veges,
white cheeses, meets, fesh and frozen. Very rarely use processed food except some condiments, almond milk, some juices, etc. I bake with einkorn flour, ferrment or pickle to preserve. And I cheat sometimes. Heart and cholesterol meds and standard supplements. Granola: 4 c oats, 1/2 c honey, 1 c nuts and 1 pt blueberries. Mix, spread on pan and toast in 400 degree oven 10 -15 min. Add raisins and sprinkle with chia and let sit in oven (off) for a few minutes. Its easy to overcook. Great breakfast with almond milk and half a banana. I also drink MCT wellness once a day and put it on granola when I'm out of milk. I prefer a mediterranean diet (sans spinach which cuts it down a bit). Donna, you have always been known for your concern with healthy food and a balanced diet. I remember you telling about your insistance on good food for the children.

Anonymous said...

Thank you LiDona for this blog. As you know, I am in an Aged Care home in Melbourne, Australia. Maggie Beer, Cook from South Australia spent a month in an Aged Care Home in Perth, Western Australia to look at 'updating' food that is served to residents of the home. Maggie is a very bright and intelligent person and came up with ways to enhance and enrich food served to older Australians. One of her suggestions is that it has to look good to be good, presentation. Fresh, colourful and appealing.
I look forward to your future blogs, Katrin