Monday, March 2, 2020


I understand the anger that simmers in communities across America because we recognize that corporate America and a government controlled by the rich and powerful have sold us out. I resonate with the fear that grips parents of every ethnicity who have lost loved ones to gun violence. I experience the anxiety that even the most uninformed citizen feels about the future of our democracy as we wrestle with the recklessness of an out-of-control and emotionally immature person in power. Yet, I know from experience that we can move beyond these paralyzing emotions by glimpsing a vision forged of hope, courage and compassion.  

21st Century Democracy 
I became an Elizabeth Warren supporter when she showed me that a twenty-first century democracy is possible. Behind all of the plans found at there lies a vision for Planetary Equilibrium based on a truly Representational Government that provides Social Well-Being for everyone.

Hope Resides Beyond Fear

Planetary Equilibrium can be achieved by focusing on creating an equitable economy. Warren’s Green and Blue New Deals create well-paying jobs in America by investing in scientific innovation and developing global relationships based on diplomacy, trade, and cooperation among allies. 

Compassion Moves Beyond Anger

Warren sees that Social Well-Being can be achieved by taxing the wealthy who depend upon educated workers and a post-modern infrastructure. Health Care is an investment in the human capital upon which all progress depends. Public Education not only provides an effective work force, it unleashes the human potential that fires innovation. Women’s equality not only doubles a nation’s economy, it injects human values into decision-making.

Courage Emerges Beyond Anxiety

Warren’s experience in creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and serving in the senate has given her a vision for a truly Representational Government. Such a return to our democratic roots depends upon ending lobbying by the rich and powerful. Removing the filibuster will unblock the levers of decision-making so that action on immigration, racial justice, gun control, and climate change becomes possible. Reducing military expenditures that suck our human and economic resources can open doors to peace and prosperity.

Please join me in Warren’s campaign based on hope, energized by courage, and imbued with compassion.


jpc2025 said...

You should help write the scripts. Very helpful analysis! Thanks, Lynda

Terry Bergdall said...

I was always impressed with Obama's "Choose Hope Over Fear" theme. Ever since Lee Atwater (and maybe before, but he perfected it with the Willie Horton ads), politics at the national level have been driven by fear. A far cry from FDR.

Diane said...

I felt Elizabeth ending her campaign like a physical blow, as I am sure you did. I had to take most of a day in prayer and meditation to identify why her action, her decision in particular, was so hard for so many of us. Postponement of the dream? Yes, that. If she can't find traction in the political space, who can? Yes, that. So many strong women rose up...all had to stop and here we are with old paradigm, old white guys again. Not that I am a-gin old white guys; some of my best friends are old white guys. But how is it even possible that a woman as smart and thoughtful and real and hard working as Elizabeth didn't get enough traction in our racist, sexist society to last until the convention? Yes, that. But, as usual she showed the way. Like you, she speaks of Hope Over Fear, persistence is different. When will it be different? When it is different. Bless you for showing so many of us the way. Bless her for persisting, especially when it can look so negative and so dark, and when the surviving candidates are turning on each other and sounding like mini-tRumps as they attack each other. We are not done.